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Showing posts from June, 2020

Niche Marketing: Definition, Examples, Ideas, Strategies and Steps to get started. A Complete Guide.

Rather then jumping around I would like to start with the topic and stick to it. After you read this blog-post you will be able to understand what is niche marketing, why it is important to have your niche, niche marketing examples, how to find your niche and generate some highly profitable niche marketing ideas. NICHE MARKETING Basically Niche Marketing means marketing and trying to build business around a very specific group of people i.e. we are targeting those potential customers who live in a specific area or they share some common likes, dislike, demand, need or problem, or they have a specific age group or anything that collectively defines a concentrated group of people. To understand this lets take a couple of examples of niche marketing  - - Let's consider you have a need, you are thirsty,while choosing an option to satisfy your need is 'want', one can fulfill his urge of thirst either by either drinking water or juice or beer whatever option you want t

Why Coronavirus recession is unlike any other recession ? EXPLAINED

The coronavirus pandemic is stopping the prosperous economy of the United States. The world is going into a worldwide recession,an monetary midtown. It is on the right track to state that the world is currently in downturn. As a large number of us stay under limitations and requests to remain at home, industrial facilities have shut and organizations have closed down. Whole pieces of the US economy appears to have solidified. " Its practically like a meteor hit the whole planet and we have been knocked off our hub" says Diane Swonk, a main financial expert. The government stores and Congress are finding a way to attempt to keep the economy above water. All things considered, financial experts caution this recession will not be normal for some other downturns in the ongoing history since it is produced by a medical emergency, not by an undesirable economy. We likely could be in downturn, yet once more, I would highlight the distinction between the coronavirus recession and