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Showing posts from May, 2020

How to grow your business during recession 2020 ?

A s rough times are here people are losing jobs, economic effects of Corona virus is certainly devastating, big companies are at unrest and the governments are requesting people to use their national goods in order to support the manufacturers as they play an important role in keeping the economical condition of any country afloat. There is a fear of recession in US and many other first-world countries and the scenario looks like it is a global recession . The economical condition of the world is as bad as the World War 2 or even worse. People are asking the financial mentors that is recession coming ? Either you own a business, want to start a business or are a working professional this blog-post will help you to get familiar with the weapons and strategies that you are going to need to fight this great economic war like the Hercules. Before we start discussing the key-points to grow the businesses when people are fearing recession globally I just want you to know that- its

How to build a brand strategically.

I f your business is dependent on creating loyal weekly customer a strong brand is a surest answer to your goal, and this blog is all about making you understand the crucial processes which business owners and brand managers must keep in mind when thinking of starting to build a brand for their business, after reading the complete blog-post you will understand that strategic brand management is a lot more than your company's logo. Every business wants to be the first choice of their customers, and for this dream to come true businesses invest time and money patiently to build a brand which would give them a recognition in the market , building and maintaining a brand plays a significant part in making a venture successful. There are five important steps that one needs to follow in order to build a successful brand strategically, these steps are as follow- -first and the foremost step is you need to understand the basic idea of your brand, that is, what is that you

Why most successful businesses pay attention to brand management ?

W henever you are looking at the important aspects of growing a business branding always comes to light and is highlighted, but why is branding so important ? why most successful businesses pay attention to brand management ? This blog-post will help you understand the importance of brand management. Brands are something very personal to the consumers, because of the past experiences with the products of a seller and its marketing program over the years, consumers find out which brands satisfy their needs and which does not. As a result branding helps the consumers to simplify their search process and choose a product over the other. If a consumer is familiar with a brand and its offerings then it saves them from a lot of additional research both internally ( in terms of how much they have to think about it) and externally ( in terms of what they have to look into to find the right product to satisfy their needs). Brands can serve as symbolic devices, allowing consumers to

What is a Brand ?

T his blog-post will help the readers to actually understand the concept of Brand , and to understand the difference between a Brand and a Product . For readers to have a better understanding of the concept of brand there will be some examples stated in the post as well, after you read the article I am quite sure your understanding of the respective term will increase. BRAND According to the American Market Association a brand is a - -Name -Term -Sign -Symbol or -Design or -Combination of them, intended to identify the products and services of one seller or a group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition, that means, if a marketer creates a new name, logo, or symbol for a existing or a new product, he is actually creating a brand . Therefore brand is that intangible part of any product or venture which creates a certain amount of awareness, reputation and prominence  etc. in the market. BRAND ELEMENTS In the above stated definition of Brand th